Tuesday, October 13, 2009

First Day of School '09

I can't believe that the time has already come for school to start. This summer went by way too fast! Tyler is going into 9th grade, he is a Freshman! Holy cow!!! He is so stinkin cute, and such a good kid that I am not as scared as I thought I would be for his first year of high school. Jayden is in her last year of elementary at Sage Creek and then she will be off to Jr High! She is in the 6th grade, and is still Jayden. She is starting to get more into fashion, but only on the days that her and the boys aren't playing sports at recess! Avery is in 1st grade. Her first year of eating school food, and being there all day! She is so excited, but we are not looking too forward to all the homework! Rylee is starting her first year of pre-school at the day care that she goes to, although we call it school! She loves her teacher Amy, and all of her friends that she gets to play with. So this is the first year where I have all 4 kids gone for a few days. I would love to say that I am doing something productive like cleaning or doing something fun, but usually 9 times out of 10 I am working, or have worked the night before, so I am sleeping, but it is very peaceful sleep, and that makes all the difference in the world!

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